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The recent trends show a large number of young people abandoning their kyusu in favor of something more convenient. A recent MAFF poll shows that 47.7% of people who responded said the reason they use tea bags was the ease of preparing and cleaning up. A further 38.5% responded saying that they use tea bags because they don’t need any special items such as a kyusu.

This trend led us to create the brand TEAƎT. A brand that is geared towards this younger generation who prefer convenience, but also care about their health and well-being. Our attractive packaging and creative flavor combinations were a hit, and have attracted a new audience to enjoy tea.

Our lineup.

Oolong Black Tea

Our original tea. Fermented between oolong and black tea during processing which makes its taste fresh, tender, and mild sweet with a gentle scent of tea. Great for various foods and occasions.

Oolong Black Tea (Ōsumi Ginger)

Our original Oolong Black Tea blended with locally grown and dried Ōsumi ginger. Enjoy a hot cup of this brew packed full of ginger flavor for various health benefits.

Green Tea Powder

Authentic green tea powder sourced from our farms. Winner of the “Top 100 Japanese Gourmet items” but Cuisine Kingdom in 2016 and recognized by professional chefs and buyers.

Houjicha Powder

Individual roasted tea packets to go. Hot or iced. Great with soy milk or honey. Low caffeine tea.

Green Tea Bag

A highly aromatic green tea. Tea bags to bring with you when you go on holiday or a business trip. Our integrated manufacturing is certified by IFS FSSC22000 international food standard.

Black Tea Tea Bag

“Benifuki” blended black tea with gentle smell and mild flavor. Our very original tea sourced directly from our tea farm where we have made great efforts to reduce agrochemical use.

Green Tea Drip

Decent-tasting green tea is available, anytime and anywhere, in this new way of hand-drip green tea. FSSC22000 international food standard certified. Sourced directly from our farm.

Flavored Green Tea (Rose)

An aromatic luxurious combination of the rarely grown Japanese Rose (Rosa Damascena) petals and our deep steamed green tea. The real scent of rose for relaxation and special occasions.

Flavored Green Tea (Ōsumi Yuzu)

Well balanced excellent combination of our deep-steamed green tea and Ōsumi yuzu peel. Fresh smell for relaxation and stress relief. All natural for safety.

Assortment gift packages available as well.

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